Sunday, January 23, 2011


I'm really starting to hate facebook and thinking about just being done with it all. It is so impersonal and in the end it makes people get their feelings hurt. You get blamed nowadays for not being on facebook enough, but do people ever realize that you have a job and other things to do before Facebook. Don't get me wrong it can be a good tool for networking, socializing, and having fun. But getting blamed for not being on Facebook all the time when you already stare at a computer for 8+ hours a day, is a little ridiculous! You may have your own views, but I'm allowed ot have mine.

I have usually stuck to just checking my Facebook, after work, sometimes before work, and maybe a couple times on the weekend. People it's really not healthy for you to sit on Facebook! Get out and do something else and plus it's really not good to stare at the computer all day, I have to with my job, but your eyes need a break. I'm not trying to judge anyone, but when did a phone call or a letter become obsolete. It pisses me off how extremely impersonal people have become. (Oh lets go on facebook to see what you are doing, instead of calling someone and making their day just by knowing you care?) What happend to being in the moment on facebook and not in the moment with an actual living, breathing human being.

I want to know what you guys think? Would you rather talk to a person or a screen?

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