Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rant For the Day!

OK. Here goes, my husband and I have different political views, if some of you don't know. But that is OK we have learned to find a happy ground, he actually is a Rupublican that lets me speak my peace before he tells me his views. I'm really happy that I can have my own political views with my husband, although not happy about it sometimes, he still understands. Well on Facebook, e-mail and other sites on changing my political views, and it gets very old. You are not going to change what I believe it. Isn't that why we live in America, so we can have our own views and thoughts, and be independent in our beliefs?

I think no matter if you are Republican, Democratic, Indpendent or something other than that, THE FLAG STILL STANDS FOR FREEDOM FOR EACH AND EVERY PERSON IN AMERICA AND THAT HOLDS TRUE TO ME ALSO. It is beutiful to see Old Glory flying on the cemetary hill outside of Lake Benton. It still tugs at my heart to know that not only my Grandpa, other family members, and Zach's best friend have fought for our freedom. They are the true Heros!

So next time you call me unpatriotic for my beliefs, think about the words that are coming out of your mind or thoughts that are going through your head. Quit being judgemental. God understands you and your beliefs, so don't you think somebody else might want to believe in something too.

"America - Why I Love Her" - John WayneJohn Wayne's "America, Why I Love Her" ^ July, 1964 John Mitchum
May John Wayne's dedication to America and all that she stands for be an example to us, and let this give us just a few reasons and reminders as to why we have the will to fight and die for the U.S.A.

Why I Love Her
You ask me Why I Lover Her?
Well, give me time and I'll explain.
Have you see a Kansas sunset or an Arizona rain?
Have you drifted on a bayou down Louisiana way?
Have you watched a cold fog drifting over San Francisco Bay?
Have you heard a bobwhite calling in the Carolina pines,
Or heard the bellow of a diesel at the Appalachia mines?
Does the call of Niagara thrill you when you hear her waters roar?
Do you look with awe and wonder at her Massachusetts shore,
Where men who braved a hard new world first stepped on Plymounth's rock?
And do you think of them when you stroll along a new York City dock?
Have you seen a snowflake drifting in the Rockies, way up high?
Have you seen the sun come blazing down from a bright Nevada sky?
Do you hail to the Columbia as she rushes to the sea,
Or bow your head at Gettysburg at our struggle to be free?
Have you seen the mighty Tetons?
Have you watched an eagle soar?
Have you see the Mississippi roll along Missouri's shore?
Have you felt a chill at Michigan when on a winter's day
Her waters rage along the shore in thunderous display?
Does the word "Aloha" make you warm?
Do you stare in disbelief
When you see the surf come roaring in at Waimea Reef?
From Alaska's cold to the Everglades, from the Rio Grande to Maine,
My heart cries out, my pulse runs fast at the might of her domain.
You ask me Why I Love Her?
I've a million reasons why:
My Beautiful America, beneath God's wide, wide sky.
John Wayne

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