Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Vent for the Day

Seriously if I get one more DUMBASS person asking why Zach and I have not hopped on the Mommy and Daddy Train yet, I'm going to scream. People act like I'm a selfish and unfit person because I want to wait. HELLO THIS JUST IN! I'm in school full time and working full time and seriously I'm supposed to fit time for a Little Norgaard in there at the current moment. When the time is right it will happen, and you should probably give me props for thinking ahead and going to school, so Zach and I can someday provide for the little one. We need to look at the bigger picture here, just because you are a baby making machine, doesn't mean I have to be. I know I know you are probably just being thoughtful, but mind your own damn business. So next time you ask, I will either launch into a streak of explentives towards you or go into detail about our 5 year plan, and believe me you probably don't want to sit their and listen to every little detail. Just make sure you catch me on the good day so you get the 5 year plan and not the streak of explentives.

On a lighter note!

Zach and I are starting on the basement bathroom today, so then we can get that one finished and start on the upstairs one. Wish us luck, and I'll be sure and have before and after pictures.


Bryan had the doplar and MRI on Tuesday, but have not heard anything yet, will keep you updated, Please keep praying that everything turns out OK!

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