Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Talking Smack

Seriously, I had a horrible day today, and I don't know why. Do you ever just have one of those days that is off and you can't put your finger on it, but you know something is wrong? Well I went to class this morning, came home and paid some bills then headed to Brookings because my contacts were in. I don't know what it was but I was exhausted by the time I got home. I laid down until about 3pm, then my friend that I work with said that the head honcho called her out on the carpet for talking smack. Well this is the gospel truth, Ashley dosen't talk smack and the only reason that this even came up was because somebody that we work with has come to the conclusion that everyone is talking about her. Seriously I know I'm smart right? Well anyways this chicky is out for vengence and is going to take down anybody in her path. I just sit back and laugh because people shouldn't be talking about other people, but it happens all the time. In a perfect world this wouldn't be happening but GUESS WHAT, nothings perfect. However, I think that if you are going to dish out the smack talk, you should be prepared for what is going to be thrown back in your face. And to the person (you know who you are)! Grow the heck up and either quit talking smack or get a thicker skin, and face up to what you are doing. So that was my day in a nut shell, but the weird part is that I was dreaming this while I was sleeping before it even happened. I know weird right!

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