Friday, September 12, 2008

What Chopping is All About!!!

Zach pulling into Hilltop with his truck!
The Big Four wheel drive tractor with the scraper thinger on the front or whatever it is called.

Zach working hard drivin truck, for all of you that don't think he does he actually works his little tushy off and I love him for that. I love that Zach is a hard worker and a great provider and he has instilled that value in me and I like to work and get things done also, just like Zach. Well mom and dad taught me alot about working hard also.

The Corn was higher than the truck in some areas. One of the huge windtowers through the truck mirror, its pretty cool how big they are.


  1. Zachary looks overly happy about you taking his picture! Hehe, he is such a stinker!

    I am glad that you were able to go spend some time in the truck with him, that always means a ton to my brother.

  2. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Christy Jo,
    I know how special it is spending time with Zach on the truck. Bonding time is a good thing.
