Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Be Cool Stay in School

Well I didn't get any first day of school picks, Sorry Pamcakes. But I sure can tell you how it is going. Well I'm definately putting all my time and effort into school, I don't have a life anymore. Just ask Zach he thinks I'm mad at him, but I'm really studying all the time. School on the other hand is the best decision I've ever made, oh my bad so was marrying Zach. Well I have a ton of books and they were not cheap, a little over $600 to be exact. I'm taking 17 credits, and it is a two year program at Minnesota West in Pipestone, Mn. I'm taking alot of credits so I can get done maybe a wee bit sooner, but we won't be able to tell until next fall. My favorite class is College Keyboarding because I really like to type. My least favorite class is Composition, I can hardly speak the English language and now they want me to write it. HaHa. Other then that everything else is going great, I love my job and I really like the people I work with, they are such good people. Well like me Zachary is also getting very busy as the fall progresses, I don't think I will spend any time with him until Christmas, maybe? Oh yeah and by the way when I grow up and get done with school I will hopefully be an administrative assistant, making the big bucks, yeah right. I really don't care about the money, I just know I will like what I'm doing. The Lord has sure been answering my prayers lately and for once in my life I feel like I'm in control, and can do what I set my mind to. With a few prayers and a little elbow grease I'll get her licked.


  1. Keep up the good work Christy! We are so proud of you.

    Love you, J, A, AG, & E

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Christy Jo
    I am so happy for you - and very glad that school is going good. Bummed that you don't have a picture of your first day of school with your new school supplies!!
    Love you tons and tons
